User Posts: truthhunter
How the Left Controls Hollywood – An Insiders Perspective

There is a lot of talk about how the Left controls Hollywood. How there is some sort of vast left wing conspiracy in the motion picture industry. As a ...

The strange case of the 10,000 Year Old Aluminum Landing Strut

For most of us, aluminum is not something particularly high tech or new, but in the coarse of civilization it is. Aluminum does not occur in naturally, and ...

The Baigong Pipes: China’s 150,000 Year Old Iron Pipes

According to mainstream historians, the Iron Age marks the time that mankind first started working with iron. Iron was the obvious progression from the Bronze ...

The Jackalope: Real, or Mythological Creature?

To some people, the Jackalope is nothing more then North American Folklore. But tales of a horned rabbit go much further back in history, and span many ...

Mainstream Media Pushes Agenda When “Active Shooter” Wasn’t

the other night my "regularly scheduled programming" was interrupted by a news flash. it appeared as if there was an active shooter in another movie theater in ...

Operation Mockingbird: How The CIA Controls The Mainstream Media

Many times I have asserted in these pages that the Mainstream Media is engaged in propaganda to sway the minds of the nation to support the causes of their ...

Is There a Planned Economic Collapse This Fall?

There has been a lot of speculation recently about an economic collapse coming in the fall of 2015. Everyone seems to have their own ideas as to what will ...

Operation Northwoods: False Flag Terrorist Attacks Perpetrated by the CIA

Declassified documents reveal that the Department of Defense (DoD) and the Joint Chiefs of Staff proposed that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and other ...

Suppression of Dissent: The Fight Against The Rebel Flag

It amazes me how the opportunists in Washington DC use any tragedy they can to push their totalitarian desires. You may have read my recent article about ...

Los Angeles Police Hide True Crime Statistics

I moved to Los Angeles in the mid 1990’s. I came from a small town in the south east. When I was growing up, the local news would show every crime that ...

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Browsing All Comments By: truthhunter
  1. yes. Several years ago, the government forced that technology to allow police to track abducted people, even if the abductors turned the phone off (so they say). Most people think that taking the battery out will stop the tracking (if your phone allows you to do that), however, most phones still have a backup battery to keep the date/time settings even if the battery is removed. If that backup power system also power GPS tracking or not, I do not know… but why take the chance

  2. what is trinkets to you is valuable to another. The reality is the “trinkets” story is a myth. The historical records for The purchase of Staten Island, says the Dutch traded “10 boxes of shirts, 10 ells of red cloth, 30 pounds of powder, 30 pairs of socks, 2 pieces of duffel, some awls, 10 muskets, 30 kettles, 25 adzes, 10 bars of lead, 50 axes and some knives.” There is less information about what is now NY City but the records we do have says 60 gilders plus supplies, which would have been a lot of money at the time to pay for a piece of land that size to a people who legally had no claim over it.

  3. It seems a little sexist that you assume a domestic manager is a woman relying on a man. If a woman has a better career, she can be the woman of the house and the domestic manager can be the man.
    That is not slavery but is an example of socialism working correctly (although I can see how socialism can be mistaken for slavery because it is just that when it doesn’t work correctly).
    Sufficient jobs have returned. Unemployment is at the lowest rate in decades in the US, and the ratio of jobs to job seekers is driving up incomes.
    The objective of private companies is to provide a good or service to people while making a profit for the companies owner/investors. The only way a company can be profitable is if it provides a good service or product, and people are willing to buy it. If the consumer decides that the company is not acting appropriately, the consumer can choose to not support the company. This will reduce profits forcing the company to comply with the wants of the consumer to get their profits back. No company can exist without a customer. So in essence, the customer controls the morality of the company.

  4. It is funny how whenever someone has an opinion that you don’t like, you try to call them a Nazi. The logic is the winner wins the land. The Nazi’s lost. So making a comparison to Nazi’s is stupid. A better comparison would be “Do Spanish people have a right to be in Mexico? After all, they took the land from Aztecs.”, “Do Black people have a right to be in Jamaica? After all, they took the land from natives.” Do Jews have the right to be in Israel? After all, they took the land from Jericho and other city states.” Do Muslims have a right to be in North Africa? After all, they took the land from the natives.” Do White people have a right to be in Europe? After all, they took the land from Neanderthals.”
    And since you bring up the Dakota Pipeline… Don’t forget, the Sioux defeated the Pawnee for that land. So by your opinion, the Sioux have no right to be on that land anyway.

  5. you obviously didn’t read the article. There are 3 undersea plateaus that would have been above sea level before the end of the last ice age. All three of these would have been viewed by anyone living at the time as a continent that was swallowed up by the sea.

  6. good point. And Hamilton was secretary of the Treasury, so that can get him on the money. I figure it wasn’t until the more recent disdain for the central bank (due to the recent economic troubles, and the loud voices of folks like Ron Paul and Alex Jones), that it became necessary to bury any thing that may legitimize the gripe against the central bank. When Jackson was first put on the bill in 1928, it was the 100 year anniversary of his election, and the 15th year of the new Federal Reserve. I feel like they may have felt safe to mock him. Where as now Jackson has become a symbol for the “Anti Federal Reserve” people, they feel it is best to take him out of the public eye.

The Truth Hunter
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